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Artist Profile: James Perkins
As an alumnus of both Yale and the School of Visual Arts, James Perkins is a proud New Yorker who seeks inspiration in the contrast between the manmade city he calls home and the sweeping and unpredictable paths of the natural world just beyond.
Unexpected Statement Art
While finish selections are essential, and furniture is important, art breathes life into a room. There are many unique art styles to choose from. Yet, too often, we resort to what is typical and replicable in every other space. We crave individuality, so why not choose art that is unexpected? It’s the best way to reflect your personality in your space as well as serve to set the overall vibe. From wall murals to multi-dimensional art, we’ve gathered our favorite statement pieces from Vela projects to give you a starting point. Because nothing’s better than finding artwork that stops you in your tracks and makes you swoon.